Y5 – Workshop with María Zysman

Y5 – Workshop with María Zysman

Taller con María Zysman

Olivos Primary – Y5

This Wednesday, students of Y5A welcomed their families to participate in a gathering led by María Zysman, a prominent educational psychologist and founder of the organisation Libres de Bullying. During this gathering, there was dialogue and reflection on the nature of their relationships, empathy, assertiveness, and the challenges they currently face. Group activities were conducted, emotions were shared, and actions were established to continue collaborating together. A truly enriching experience!

Este miércoles, los alumnos de Y5A recibieron a sus familias para formar parte en una sesión dirigida por María Zysman, psicopedagoga destacada y fundadora de la organización Libres de Bullying. Durante este encuentro, se dialogó y reflexionó sobre la naturaleza de sus relaciones, la empatía, la asertividad, y los obstáculos que enfrentan en el presente. Se llevaron a cabo actividades de grupo, se compartieron emociones, y se establecieron acciones para seguir colaborando de manera conjunta. ¡Una experiencia muy enriquecedora!