Y5 Olivos – First Educational Outing of the Year

Y5 Olivos – First Educational Outing of the Year

On Friday, 24th May, Y5 students had their first educational outing of the year. It consisted of a tour of various locations significant to the history of General José de San Martín. During the outing, our students visited the San Martin Institute, where they learned about part of San Martín’s history, Plaza San Martín and the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires, where they were able to visit San Martín’s Mausoleum and witness the change of shifts of the guards. Undoubtedly, this visit was a wonderful experience for our students.

El viernes 24 de mayo, los alumnos de Y5 tuvieron su primera salida educativa del año. La misma consistió en un recorrido por distintos lugares representativos de la historia del General José de San Martín. Durante la salida, nuestros alumnos visitaron el Instituto Sanmartiniano, donde conocieron parte de la historia de San Martín, la Plaza San Martín y la Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, donde pudieron visitar el Mausoleo de San Martín y presenciar el cambio de guardia. Sin dudas, esta visita fue una maravillosa experiencia para nuestros alumnos.