K5 Graduation Ceremony

K5 Graduation Ceremony

Olivos Kinder

Beautiful and exciting ceremony today for the kindergarten 5 children, accompanied by their families, teachers, and many people who have been by their side throughout this important journey through kindergarten. We are very proud of all of you, and we know that Primary School awaits you with new challenges, learning experiences, and dreams to fulfill. You are ready to go! We love you!

Hermosa y emocionante ceremonia tuvieron hoy los niños de kinder 5 acompañados por sus familias, sus maestras y muchas personas que estuvieron a su lado en este recorrido tan importante por el Kindergarten. Estamos muy orgullosos de todos ustedes y sabemos que Primaria los espera con nuevos desafíos, aprendizajes y deseos por cumplir. You are ready to go!  We love you!!