University Briefing

University Briefing

Olivos & Nordelta Secondary

We are happy to share that so many Old Northlanders came to the University Briefing on both of ours sites. These former pupils, currently studying or who have just finished their Undergraduate degrees, came to share their experiences about their life as university students, their chosen career and university. This allowed our Y11 & Y12 students to access a wider range of experiences and testimonies. They also spoke about the characteristics of the degree and university, the assessment system, curriculum and duration of the degree. Additionally, they shared the type of schedules they have and if it is possible to work while you study. Furthermore, students asked about the international exchange programmes and subjects that can be studied abroad, as well as internships. Other aspects appeared as well as what academic and non academic difficulties they encountered during their studies and the main job opportunities. 

Many special thanks to Abril Bacigalupo, Camila Borinsky, Juana Castronuovo, Joaco Cardozo, Catalina Levy, Inés García Peña,  Serena Graciano, Martín Palla, Joaco Pratolongo, Tadeo Pratolongo, Delfina Rawson, Martina Stofenmacher,Marcos Trovato and María Paz Yunes (Nordelta). 

Silvestre Agulla, Lucía Avakian, Catalina Batalla, Paz Boullosa, Malena Brun, Delfina Deandrea, Agustín Ferrero, Josefina Fernandez Esperanza, Joaquín Dizenhaus, Manuel Dizenhaus, Justo Pinedo, Olivia Pueyrredon, Valentina Rattazzi  and Abril Torres. 

Con mucha alegría compartimos que muchos Old Northlanders vinieron al University Briefing en cada sede. Estos ex alumnos que están estudiando o han recientemente terminado su carrera de grado, vinieron a compartir sus experiencias sobre su vida universitaria, su elección de carrera y su universidad. Esto permitió que nuestros alumnos de Y11 y Y12 pudieran acceder a un gran rango de experiencias y testimonios. También hablaron sobre las características de sus carreras y la universidad, del sistema de calificaciones, el currículum y la duración de la carrera. Además intercambiaron sobre el tipo de cronograma que tienen y si es posible estudiar mientras trabajan. Asimismo, preguntaron sobre los programas de intercambio y las materias que pueden estudiar en el exterior. Otros aspectos que aparecieron fueron qué dificultades académicas y no académicas encontraron durante sus estudios y su inserción laboral. 

Many special thanks to Abril Bacigalupo, Camila Borinsky, Juana Castronuovo, Joaco Cardozo, Catalina Levy, Inés García Peña,  Serena Graciano, Martín Palla, Joaco Pratolongo, Tadeo Pratolongo, Delfina Rawson, Martina Stofenmacher,Marcos Trovato and María Paz Yunes (Nordelta). 

Silvestre Agulla, Lucía Avakian, Catalina Batalla, Paz Boullosa, Malena Brun, Delfina Deandrea, Agustín Ferrero, Josefina Fernandez Esperanza, Joaquín Dizenhaus, Manuel Dizenhaus, Justo Pinedo, Olivia Pueyrredon, Valentina Rattazzi  and Abril Torres (Olivos).